Munich Jewellery Week 2021_Munich

Artificial Intelligems is an artistic research exploring Machine Learning (A.I.) within jewellery practice. The first project will be presented during Munich Jewellery Week through an online event consisting of live dreaming sessions and a series of reflective talks (11th till 14th of March).

During these live dreaming sessions, the algorithm envisions a flow of constantly transforming, blending, glowing jewellery based upon the 969 images of jewellery it was trained with, sent in by 124 artists! Generating these ‘ornamutations’ in real-time, the project urges to reflect upon making processes, wearability, materiality, tactility, value, authorship, human-centered design… This is the first time that the collectively created, living, multidimensional jewellery will be shown. Join us for this unique experience!

Artificial Intelligems is a collaboration between Anneleen Swillen (artist, researcher, and tutor) and Greg Scheirlinckx (composer, sound engineer, and programmer), an AI and many practitioners.

It’s part of Anneleen’s current postdoc research.

The event and website are generously supported by UHasselt and PXL-MAD School of Arts, Hasselt, Belgium.


Amethyst II_Envision Arts_1/4-30/4/2021


Sculpture To Wear_at Laguna (California)_3/12-18/12/2020